Friday 15 September 2017

 What is internet of things “IOT”?
IOT is an ecosystem of connected Smart devices and it’s sensors that collect and transmit data via internet automatically or manually according to user choice it’s a called internet of things.
Let’s take scenarios:-  
Okay, Just think, How many object you had connected with internet about a decades ago 1 or 2 smart devices like (smart phone, smart gadgets etc.) technology. But today smart desktop, mobile, refrigerator, television ,jockey etc. extends these trends outward estimated by 2022 there should be around 50 billion objects connected with the internet. It should be around 6.6 million lives will be alive so, it is possible that every person has  6 to 7  objects should be connected by internet means world covered with billions of sensors.  
The sensors are taking information from real physical objects around the world and will uploaded to the internet. It works with the environment transforms as you walk through it, because you may not be even not be ware off .It is meandering in your every move. It’s a world that continuously changing all around us due to the sensors on the internet .That is called internet of things.
Example: 1 Smart Vehicle automatically will understand the road, signals, and atmospheric etc. conditions through vehicle sensors.
2. Sensor of Smart refrigerator, Air-condition, another room equipment will automatically understand the human’s body temperature from his blood pressure when he entered in the room and open his refrigerator or any other activity. And many more examples…
  • Internet connected cars
  • wearable devices including health and fitness monitoring devices, watches, and even human implanted devices;
  • smart meters and smart objects;
  • home automation systems and lighting controls;
  • smartphones that are increasingly being used to measure the world around them; and
  • Wireless sensor networks that measure weather, flood defenses, tides and more.
Need of Internet of things  
“Imagine a world in which every device in the home, workplace and car are connected. A world where the lights automatically turn on when the car approaches the driveway, the coffee starts brewing when the morning alarm goes off and the front door automatically unlocks when approached by a member of the household, but stays locked when a stranger arrives on the front step. That is the type of world the Internet of Things can create.”
“There are different companies and organizations that are building out their own platforms for either their customers or their individual needs.”
“Imagine a hospital with connected devices. The data collected from those devices outputs information on the status of patients and runs analytics on the various monitoring machine, helping the hospital to run as optimally as possible.”
“The collection of data from devices will allow consumers, businesses and even entire connected cities to run more efficiently. However, collecting large amounts of data presents challenges.”
Main challenges, confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Non-Repudiations
When you increase the number of connected devices, the number of opportunities to exploit vulnerabilities through poorly designed devices can expose user’s data to theft, especially when the data streams are left with inadequate protection. In certain cases, it may even harm the safety and health of people.
Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability and Non-Repudiations
Secondly Privacy concern for the data that comes with the consumer devices, such as tracking devices for cars and phones and also smart TVs. Vision features and voice recognition are now being integrated into smart TVs. These features can listen continuously to conversations or look for activity and transmit data selectively to cloud services for processing. These cloud services may sometimes even include third parties. The collection of all this information faces a number of regulatory and legal challenges.
Example Click jacking, Cross-Site Scripting, Path Traversal, Data Validation etc.
Companies need to ensure they avoid data loss through near-continuous data protection, verify their protection to guarantee recovery, and use appropriate encryption to protect against unauthorized access.
In the modern data center, that often means protecting data at two different physical sites, as well as protecting the connection between them. And if backups are stored in the cloud, they need to be under just as much protection.
Finally, there will be growing emphasis on protecting data while it’s on actual user devices such as laptops. Endpoint protection is becoming a very important part of an overall data availability strategy.
Human beings habituated with smart functionalities with smart gadgets in his day to day life. Due to this dependencies IOT is non-repudiations.
Why we need to create a structure of Internet of Things?
The communication between devices and the Internet or to a gateway includes many different models:
There are several reasons why a reference architecture for IoT is necessary:
  • IoT devices are inherently connected – we need a way of interacting with them, often/mostly with firewalls, network address translation (NAT) and other obstacles/Problems in the way.
  • There are billions of these devices already and the number is growing quickly; we need an architecture for scalability. In addition, these devices are typically interacting 24x7, so we need a highly-available (HA) approach that supports deployment across data centers to allow disaster recovery (DR).
  • The devices may not have UIs and certainly/surety are designed to be “everyday” usage, so we need to support automatic and managed updates, as well as being able to remotely manage these devices.
  • IoT devices are very commonly used for collecting and analyzing personal data. A model for managing the identity and access control for IoT devices and the data they publish and consume is a key requirement.
Our aim is to provide an architecture that supports integration between systems and devices. 

Architecture of Internet of Things
There is no single opinion on architecture for Internet of things, which is accepted by universe. Different architectures have been given by different researchers.

1.      Combination of Three- and Five Layer of Architectures

It was introduced in the early stages of research in this area. It has three layers, namely, the perception, network, and application layers.

(i)The perception layer is the physical layer, which has sensors for sensing and gathering information about the environment. It senses some physical parameters or identifies other smart objects in the environment.

(ii)The network layer is responsible for connecting to other smart things, network devices, and servers. Its features are also used for transmitting and processing sensor data.

(iii)The application layer is responsible for delivering application specific services to the user. It defines various applications in which the Internet of Things can be deployed, for example, smart homes, smart cities, and smart health.

The first three layers are not sufficient to research on IOT because technologies are continuous increasing That is why, we have many more layered architectures proposed.  The five layers are perception, transport, processing, application, and business layers (Figure 1). The role of the perception and application layers is the same as the architecture with three layers. We outline the function of the remaining three layers.
(i)The transport layer transfers the sensor data from the perception layer to the processing layer and vice versa through networks such as wireless, 3G, LAN, Bluetooth, RFID, and NFC.
(ii)The processing layer is also known as the middleware layer. It stores, analyzes, and processes huge amounts of data that comes from the transport layer. It can manage and provide a diverse set of services to the lower layers. It employs many technologies such as databases, cloud computing, and big data processing modules.
(iii)The business layer manages the whole IoT system, including applications, business and profit models, and users’ privacy. The business layer is out of the scope of this paper. Hence, we do not discuss it further.
2 Cloud and Fog/Edge Based Architectures:-
In some system architectures the data processing is done in a large centralized fashion by cloud computers. Such a cloud centric architecture keeps the cloud at the center, applications above it, and the network of smart things. Cloud computing (Online storage, Virtual drive) is given primacy because it provides great flexibility and scalability. It offers services such as the core infrastructure, platform, software, and storage. Developers can provide their storage tools, software tools, data mining, and machine learning tools, and visualization tools through the cloud.

Another system architecture, namely, fog/Edge computing where the sensors and network gateways do a part of the data processing and analytics. A fog/Edge architecture presents a layered approach as shown in Figure 2, which inserts monitoring, preprocessing, storage, and security layers between the physical and transport layers. The monitoring layer monitors power, resources, responses, and services. The preprocessing layer performs filtering, processing, and analytics of sensor data. The temporary storage layer provides storage functionalities such as data replication, distribution, and storage. Finally, the security layer performs encryption/decryption and ensures data integrity and privacy. Monitoring and preprocessing are done on the edge of the network before sending data to the cloud.
The term “fog computing” and “edge computing” term are used interchangeably. Fog computing originally termed by Cisco refers to smart gateways and smart sensors, whereas edge computing is slightly more penetrative in nature. This is an example of imaginations that it is adding smart data preprocessing capabilities to physical devices such as motors, pumps, or lights. The aim is to do as much of preprocessing of data as possible in these devices, which are termed to be at the edge of the network.
Server side architecture: - The server connects to all the interconnected components, aggregates the services, and acts as a single point of service for users. The server side architecture typically has three layers. The first is the base layer that contains a database that stores details of all the devices, their attributes, meta information, and their relationships. The second layer (Component layer) contains code to interact with the devices, query their status, and use a subset of them to effect a service. The topmost layer is the application layer, which provides services to the users.
Device - Device Architecture: Device to device communication represents two or more devices that directly connect and communicate over networks with using Bluetooth, Z-Wave, and ZigBee protocols.
This technic is normally used in home automatic systems to transfer small amount of data packets of information between devices at low data rate. Above is example of light bulbs, thermostats and door locks sending small amounts of information to each other.
There are several standards being developed around Device to device including Bluetooth low energy. Which is popular among portable and wearable devices because its low power requirements could mean devices could operate for months or year on one battery. Its lower complexity can also reduce its size and cost.
Device - Cloud Architecture:

Application service provider (ASPs):  is any company that hosts and manages applications over the Internet (or WAN) for multiple customers. It includes hosted applications and also virtual information technology services like virtual servers and operating systems.
Device-Cloud communication involves an “IoT” device that will connect directly to an Internet cloud service like an application service provider (APS) to exchange data and control message traffic. It uses traditional wired Ethernet or Wi-Fi connections, but can also use cellular technology.

Let’s take a scenario, a cellular-based Device-to-Cloud would be a smart tag that tracks your relative while you’re not around, which would need wide-area cellular communication because you wouldn’t know where the relative might be.

Another scenario, According to Tschofening, would be remote monitoring with a object like the Dropcam, where you need the bandwidth provided by Wi-Fi or Ethernet. But it also makes sense to push data into the cloud in this scenario because makes sense because it provides access to the user if they are away. Specifically if you are away and you want to see what’s on your Dropcam at home. You contact the cloud infrastructure and then the cloud infrastructure relays to your IOT device.
Device - Gateway Architecture:

An IoT gateway device bridges the communication gap between IoT devices, sensors, equipment, systems and the cloud. By systematically connecting the field and the cloud, IoT gateway devices offer local processing and storage solutions, as well as the ability to autonomously control field devices based on data input by sensors.
An IoT gateway performs several critical functions from translating protocols to encrypting, processing, managing and filtering data. If you imagine an IoT ecosystem, a gateway sits between devices and sensors to communicate with the cloud.

 Cloud - Backend Data Sharing: 

Back-End Data-Sharing essentially extends the single device-to-cloud communication model so that IoT devices and sensor data can be accessed by authorized third parties. Under this model, users or applications can export and analyze smart object data from a cloud service in combination with data from other sources, and send it to other services for aggregation and analysis.




To be continued

Thank you
Nikhil Kumar
IT security Manager and trainer
Cyber Security Studies and research Laboratory (Pune)

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